Updated Fees for SBA 504 Loans

Posted by Yolie De Hoyos
On August 2, 2024
In Blog

Updated fees for SBA 504 loans are now available for loans approved during Fiscal Year 2025. I’m pleased to share that the upfront guaranty fee will remain at 0%, while the annual service fee has decreased to 0.331% for most loans. This is a positive change from last year, making it an opportune time for you to consider the SBA 504 loan program for your business needs. I encourage you to stay informed and take advantage of these favorable conditions as you plan your financing strategy.

Key Takeaways:

  • Zero Upfront Guaranty Fee: For all 504 loans approved during FY 2025, the upfront guaranty fee has been reduced to 0%, eliminating the initial cost burden for borrowers.
  • Reduced Annual Service Fees: The annual service fee for standard 504 loans has decreased to 0.331% of the outstanding balance, down from 0.364% in FY 2024, providing further savings for small businesses.
  • Specific Pricing for Debt Refinance: For 504 loans under the Debt Refinance Without Expansion Program, the annual service fee is set at 0.356%, also reflecting a decrease from last year’s rate of 0.389%.

Overview of SBA 504 Loans

For small business owners looking to finance the purchase of fixed assets like real estate and large equipment, the SBA 504 loan program serves as an excellent resource. This program, backed by the Small Business Administration, provides long-term, fixed-rate financing specifically designed to encourage business growth and job creation in your community.

What are SBA 504 Loans?

For those unfamiliar, SBA 504 loans are government-backed loans aimed at stimulating economic growth by providing financing for businesses to acquire major assets. These loans typically cover up to 90% of the project costs, allowing you to invest in your business without depleting your cash reserves.

Purpose and Benefits of 504 Loans

The purpose of the SBA 504 loan program is to facilitate business expansion and job creation through affordable financing options. Understanding the benefits of 504 loans can significantly impact your financial strategy. With favorable terms, including fixed interest rates and low down payments, you can preserve working capital while benefiting from long-term financing for real estate and equipment purchases.

Understanding how 504 loans work can provide you with a strategic advantage as a small business owner. These loans offer a range of benefits, such as increased cash flow due to lower monthly payments compared to conventional loans and the ability to finance up to 90% of the total project cost. Importantly, the use of real estate or machinery as collateral can minimize personal liability risks, making 504 loans an appealing option for financing growth while maintaining your financial health.

Eligibility Requirements

Requirements for SBA 504 loans typically include being a for-profit business operating in the U.S., having a tangible net worth of less than $20 million, and demonstrating the ability to generate sufficient cash flow to repay the loan. Additionally, you must meet certain job creation or retention criteria.

For instance, to qualify for the 504 loan program, your business should not only meet the outlined criteria but also demonstrate how the financing will contribute to economic development, such as creating or retaining jobs. The current guideline stating that loans are available at 0% upfront guaranty fees for FY 2025 underscores the affordability of this option for financing your business growth while relieving some financial pressure. Meeting these eligibility requirements is crucial to taking advantage of the benefits offered through SBA 504 loans.

Changes in Fees for Fiscal Year 2025

Announcement from SBA

The SBA has recently issued an official notice detailing the updated fees for 504 Loans approved during fiscal year 2025. This announcement brings a noticeable change, as both the upfront guaranty fee and annual service fee have been adjusted for all 504 loans, reflecting efforts to support small businesses in their growth and recovery.

Timeframe for New Updated Fees for SBA 504 loans

For loans approved between October 1, 2024, and September 30, 2025, you can expect the following fee structure: the upfront guaranty fee remains at 0%, while the annual service fee has decreased to 0.331% (33.1 basis points) for standard 504 loans. This is a decrease from 0.364% in FY 2024, presenting a positive adjustment for borrowers seeking funding during this period.

Understanding these changes is crucial for small business owners as they plan their financial strategies. The elimination of the upfront guaranty fee combined with the lowered annual service fee means you will have more favorable terms accessible to you during this period. Additionally, for the 504 Debt Refinance Without Expansion Program, the annual service fee also decreases, from 0.389% to 0.356% (35.6 basis points). These changes not only make borrowing through the SBA more appealing but also underscore the agency’s commitment to facilitating growth within the small business sector.

Upfront Guaranty Fees

After reviewing the latest updates, it’s clear that understanding the upfront guaranty fees for SBA 504 loans is crucial for any business considering this option. The upfront guaranty fee is a one-time cost that contributes to the overall funding and sustainability of the program, making it an important cohort in financial planning.

Definition and Importance

One of the key characteristics of the SBA 504 loan program, the upfront guaranty fee is charged to borrowers as a cost for guaranteeing the loan. This fee plays a vital role in ensuring that the program remains solvent and continues to assist small businesses in achieving their financing goals.

Current Fee Structure for FY 2025

The current fee structure for FY 2025 is significantly favorable for borrowers. As of October 1, 2024, the upfront guaranty fee will be set at 0% (0 basis points) for all 504 loans, which means that you won’t have any upfront costs associated with this fee.

Plus, the annual service fee will also see a reduction, now pegged at 0.331% (33.1 basis points) of your loan’s outstanding balance, down from the previous year’s 0.364% (36.4 basis points). This reduction not only eases your cost burden but also demonstrates the SBA’s commitment to making loans more affordable, especially during challenging economic times.

Historical Context and Comparisons

Current comparisons highlight how favorable the new fee structure is in relation to prior years. Below is a table showcasing the upfront guaranty fees and annual service fees over the last two fiscal years:

Comparison of Upfront Guaranty and Annual Service Fees

Fiscal Year

Upfront Guaranty Fee

Annual Service Fee

FY 2024



FY 2025



With this shift, it’s evident that the SBA is attentive to the needs of small businesses, offering a more competitive landscape. This fee structure is not just a matter of numbers but also reflects the agency’s ongoing efforts to support your growth and success, especially in a post-pandemic economy.

Annual Service Fees

Now that the updates have been officially announced, it’s vital to understand the changes in the annual service fee associated with the SBA 504 loans for FY 2025.

Understanding the Annual Service Fee

On a basic level, the annual service fee, also known as the ongoing guaranty fee, is calculated as a percentage of the outstanding loan balance. This fee helps cover the costs incurred by the SBA for servicing the loan throughout its term. For the upcoming fiscal year, the service fees reflect a positive shift, benefiting borrowers significantly.

FY 2025 Fee Structure

On October 1, 2024, the new fee structure will take effect. For the standard 504 loans, the upfront guaranty fee remains at 0%, while the annual service fee is set at 0.331% (33.1 basis points)—representing a reduction from 0.364% (36.4 basis points) in FY 2024. For loans under the 504 Debt Refinance Without Expansion Program, the annual service fee will be 0.356% (35.6 basis points), down from 0.389% (38.9 basis points) the previous year.

Annual fee adjustments like these indicate a trend toward reducing costs for borrowers, enhancing the appeal of the 504 loan program. These savings can add up significantly over the life of the loan, making this an opportune time for small businesses to consider SBA financing options.

Impact of Fee Changes on Borrowers

Understanding the implications of these fee changes is crucial for you as a borrower. With a reduction in the annual service fees, you will find your overall loan costs decreasing, allowing you to allocate resources more efficiently toward your business operations and growth.

Service charge reductions can lead to improved cash flow, enabling you to invest in vital areas such as hiring or purchasing equipment. It’s an excellent time to reassess your financing options and explore how these changes can benefit your financial strategy moving forward. As your guide in navigating the complexities of the SBA 504 loan program, I encourage you to take full advantage of these advantageous fee structures.

Implications of Fee Changes

Keep in mind that the updated fees for SBA 504 loans signal significant shifts that can influence your financing decisions going forward. Understanding these changes can help you strategize effectively for the future.

Benefits for Small Businesses

Businesses can now take advantage of the reduced fees associated with 504 loans, which will lead to lower overall costs. With the upfront guaranty fee at a remarkable 0%, and the annual service fee decreasing to 0.331% from 0.364% in FY 2024, small business owners can better allocate their resources towards growth initiatives instead of financing expenses.

Long-term Financial Planning

Planning your finances in light of these fee changes can significantly enhance your business strategy. The lower fees make it easier for you to project costs accurately while balancing your cash flow needs.

This reduction in fees not only eases your immediate financial burden but also allows you to engage in long-term financial planning with greater certainty. The fixed upfront guaranty fee combined with the slight drop in the annual service fee provides a stable foundation for your fiscal year strategies. You can confidently predict loan costs, assess your financial health, and consider expansion opportunities that may have been previously out of reach.

Strategic Considerations for Borrowers

Businesses should also reflect on how these fee changes may affect loan strategy and timing. With a favorable fee structure, now might be an optimal time to consider entering into a 504 loan agreement.

Understanding the implications of these newly updated fees is crucial for borrowers looking to maximize their financial options. The absence of an upfront guaranty fee means you can pursue funding with less immediate capital pressure, allowing you to focus on other strategic initiatives. Additionally, being aware of the different fees associated with specific loan programs, such as the enhanced terms under the 504 Debt Refinance Without Expansion Program, enables you to make informed choices that align with your business objectives. By staying informed, you position yourself to leverage these opportunities effectively.

Additional SBA Program Notices

All borrowers should be aware of ongoing updates regarding the various SBA programs that may impact their financing options. As the landscape of small business funding continues to evolve, staying informed is crucial to making the best financial decisions for your business.

Overview of 7(a) Loan Program

With the recent changes to 504 loan fees, I also want to highlight the accompanying updates expected for the SBA 7(a) loan program. This flexible financing option is designed to support small businesses in various ventures, including startup costs, equipment purchases, and working capital. The upcoming fee structure changes will be detailed in a separate notice, so it’s vital to watch for these updates if you’re considering this loan type.

Future Updates and Announcements

An overview of upcoming announcements regarding SBA loan programs is vital for current and prospective borrowers. A considerable focus will be placed on evolving fee structures for both the 504 and 7(a) programs. I encourage you to keep an eye on the **SBA’s official notifications** as they are integral in ensuring you are making informed decisions based on the most current data. The unique features of each loan program, including variances in fees and eligibility, will be highlighted, giving you a clearer picture of what to expect moving forward.

A timely review of these updates will allow you to adjust your financing strategies according to the SBA’s guidelines, helping you avoid potentially **costly pitfalls**. Keep in mind, both **the SBA 504 and 7(a) programs aim to facilitate growth in small businesses**—and I aim to help you navigate this landscape effectively. As a writer dedicated to providing up-to-date information, I will ensure that you receive comprehensive insights into these significant changes, enabling you to leverage them to your advantage.

Final Words

So, as we look ahead to Fiscal Year 2025, the updated fees for SBA 504 loans present an advantageous opportunity for borrowers. With the upfront guaranty fee remaining at 0% and a noticeable reduction in annual service fees, it’s an excellent time for you to consider leveraging this program for your financing needs. I encourage you to contact us and take advantage of these favorable terms as they can significantly impact your business’s growth potential. Do not forget, that we’re here to help guide you through the nuances of the SBA 504 loan program with our years of expertise.

FAQ: Updated Fees for SBA 504 Loans

Q: What are the newly updated fees for SBA 504 loans effective during FY2025?

A: Starting from October 1, 2024, through September 30, 2025, the fees for SBA 504 loans are as follows: for all 504 loans (excluding the 504 Debt Refinance Without Expansion Program), the upfront guaranty fee will be 0% (0 basis points), and the annual service fee will be 0.331% (33.1 basis points) of the outstanding balance of the loan, down from 0.364% (36.4 basis points) in FY2024. For 504 loans approved under the 504 Debt Refinance Without Expansion Program, the upfront guaranty fee remains at 0%, while the annual service fee will be 0.356% (35.6 basis points), a reduction from the previous rate of 0.389% (38.9 basis points) in FY2024.

Q: Why are there reductions in fees for the SBA 504 loan program this fiscal year?

A: The reductions in fees for FY2025 reflect the SBA’s ongoing efforts to make the 504 loan program more accessible and favorable for small businesses. The lower annual service fees will reduce the overall cost of borrowing, allowing small businesses to conserve cash flow for operational needs and reinvest in their growth. These adjustments may also be seen as a response to the evolving economic landscape, aiming to encourage more businesses to utilize the program for expansion and investment opportunities.

Q: How do the updated SBA 504 loan fees compare with other loan programs available to small businesses?

A: When comparing the SBA 504 loan fees to other loan programs, the 504 loans remain highly competitive. Many traditional financing options, including conventional bank loans, can carry higher fees and interest rates. Additionally, the SBA 7(a) loan program and other financing alternatives also impose varying fees, which could be higher than the current fees set for 504 loans. As the SBA 504 program specifically supports long-term financing for real estate and equipment purchases, the value proposition combined with the reduced fees makes it an attractive option for small businesses looking for affordable funding solutions.


Yolie De Hoyos
I am Yolie De Hoyos, a seasoned professional with over 16 years of experience in the SBA 504 loan program. With a deep understanding of the intricacies and nuances of this program, I have successfully guided numerous businesses towards securing the funding they need to thrive. Adapting to new challenges is second nature to me, as I am no stranger to the complexities of paperwork and documentation. Originally hailing from the great state of Texas, I have now made Las Vegas, NV my home. This vibrant city has provided me with a fresh perspective and endless opportunities to further grow and refine my skill set. Throughout my career, I have consistently delivered exceptional results, earning accolades for my commitment to excellence and attention to detail. I take immense pride in my ability to navigate the intricate world of finance, while also fostering strong relationships with clients and colleagues alike. As a dedicated professional, I am continuously seeking ways to expand my knowledge and stay ahead of industry trends. This commitment to ongoing learning ensures that I am always equipped with the latest insights and strategies to help my clients achieve their financial goals. With a proven track record of success and an unwavering passion for my work, I am confident in my ability to make a positive impact for small businesses.

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